You are eligible to be part of the PostyMan Reseller Program if you have a verifiable business website, company email, business name, phone number and address.
You will get the pricing once you register the reseller program.
There is no limit you can sell to as many as clients.
Yes. You will be able to offer this service to your clients under your own brand.
You will be communicating with your clients as they will not be linked with us directly. But we will be supporting you technically.
No fixed monthly commitment.
Joining our reseller program is simple. It requires the completion of our reseller Program form
The reseller account will be activated within 6 to 12 business hours.
Account is setup and hosted in our server. No need to do anything on your end. Only you need to point our IP address to your DNS 'A' record.
It's up to you. You have the freedom to fix own pricing.
Yes can be hosted on your chosen domain.
Yes. Using master panel you can manage client accounts, credits, permission. Moreover let your client manage campaigns or you send on behalf of your clients.
Reseller program is setup in a dedicated platform so technically not feasible to offer a trial account. But however you get a complete video tutorial to see how it works.
Eligible Criteria : We offer partner program for online marketing/media companies/web design agency only.Not to an individual